All of us live in a neighborhood, rather it is in town, a subdivision, or in a rural area. We all depend on our neighbors for help from time to time. With vacation season upon us, we should all take advantage of the relationships that we have built in our neighborhoods. When leaving town for vacation, you should have at least one neighbor that you can depend on to keep an eye on things around your residence. Leave a key to your residence with someone that you trust in case of an emergency, and notify your Sheriff's Office or local police department that you are out of town, and also give them the contact information for the person that is keeping an eye on your residence. Let the police know that your neighbor may be checking on the house from time to time, and that they have a key to the house. You may also give them a description of the neighbors vehicle if necessary.
If you already have a Neighborhood Watch Association and meet regulary, you should know which of your neighbors that you can trust. If you do not have a Neighborhood Watch Group and would like to start one, you may contact Sergeant Todd Neff at the Warrick County Sheriff's Office and he can give you some tips on starting the group.
One thing that you do not want to do before going on vacation is to post details of your trip on Facebook and other networking websites. If you want to talk about your vacation wait until you return home.
If you would like to notify the Sheriff's Office that you are going to be out of town, and would like for deputies to keep an eye on your residence while you are gone, please call Warrick Dispatch 897-1200 and let them know that you are leaving town. Also give them contact information for emergency situations as well as the contact information for the person that will be checking on your residence while you are gone.
Have a good time and enjoy your vacation, you have earned it.