Traffic Safety: Many people report traffic problems in certain areas, those complaints are received and passed on to the motor patrol officers. We attempt to cover as many of the areas as possible, however it is impossible to keep officers at these locations on a permanent basis because of emergency calls that come in to dispatch. All of us need to slow down, concentrate on our driving, and try to keep distractions out of our lives when we are operating a motor vehicle. Traveling a short distance such as Newburgh to Evansville, you do not gain much time by speeding or rolling through a Stop Sign. In fact if you are stopped by the police you will lose five minutes of the time that you were attempting to gain. It is a lot safer to get organized and leave five minutes earlier than to attempt to make up for lost time in transit. Every crash occurs because someone operating a motor vehicle was not paying attention and following the rules. Everyone please slow down and drive carefully. Your family is depending on you to get where you are going.