Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Criminal activity
Anytime you witness what you believe to be criminal activity, please call and report the activity to the police immediately. On Monday October 17th, there were people in Warrick County that witnessed what they believed to be several young men getting into cars and stealing items. One of the ladys didn't bother to call the Sheriff's Office until about an hour later when she realized that her vehicle was one of them that had been broken into and articles were stolen. We all need to look out for one another, don't stand by and watch a criminal commit crimes against your neighbor, you could very well be the next victim. Your Sheriff's Deputies are out there to protect you and your neighbors. If you witness a crime call the Sheriff's Office and report it so we can do our job. In this case the criminals were caught because another citizen called in when they chased away from their car, and a second person saw them hanging around the area and realized that they shouldn't be there. When good citizens get involved things get done.