With the state of the economy being what it is, home burglaries are on the rise. This seems to occur every year prior to the holiday season. Burglers take things of value that they can turn into cash quickly. Small electronic devices, jewelry, handguns and other valuables that can be easily carried or put into a backpack. Several people have asked about the best types of alarm to put in at their residence. It is my opinion that an audible alarm that the neighbors can hear is the best type of alarm. Anything that draws attention to your home when it is being invaded will deter burglars. The alarm also needs to be tied to a telephone line, either with an alarm company or your personal cellphone to notify you of a problem.
Since it is the holiday season, a lot of people purchase gifts from internet sources. When you have them delivered to your home, make sure that they don't set on the porch any longer than necessary. Keep your mail and paper boxes cleaned out, and leave lights on inside the residence when you are gone. This gives the appearance that someone is home, even when you are not.
Find a neighbor that you can trust to keep an eye on your residence, moving a vehicle around in the driveway once in a while also gives the appearance that you are not away for an extended time period. Try to have your dwelling appear as normal as possible both when you are home and when you are away on vacation.