The telephone scam artists have risen to a new level. Now they have gotten the police involved by telling you that they will call the police if you don't send them the money. They then call the police and have them come by to check on your welfare, or call in a bogus complaint and get the police to come by and investigate. This is all part of their game. If the police show up at your residence unexpected, and you have received telephone calls from someone in the past couple of days wanting you to wire them money, don't be afraid to tell the police about the scam.
Most of the time the people running the scam will request that you wire them money to a foreign country. The will use the story that you have won an international lottery, and that the money goes to pay the taxes. They will also say that a relative has been arrested or been involved in a traffic accident and that you need to wire money to pay legal bills or bail.
Remember, once you wire money it is gone, there will be no refund. Most of these scams are run from a foreign country and the money cannot be traced.